始于1906 年来自德国的 BECK 专注于铰刀锪钻领域是世界顶级精密铰刀加工生产商。 BECK 拥有百多年生产经验与最先进生产设备其产品涵盖硬质合金,高速钢,PCD,PCBN 等材料高性能铰刀以加工高效率而被加工行业普遍使用。
Founded in 1906 by Beck as a mechanical workshop for fixed tools, BECK in Winterlingen Germany is today the specialist for the precision machining of bores with multi-bladed reamers. Countersinking tools complete the range. With this portfolio, our many years of experience and our special known-how, we have made a name for ourselves worldwide. Today BECK stands for the high quality and the precision of its products.