尚合精密夹具有限公司于 2008 年由德国 SVQ 集团与兴中行集团联合成立的外商独资企业,地处于昆山,配备一系列优异设备。 尚合精密夹具有限公司致力于工装夹治具设计与制造,是专业的液压夹治具供应商。 更在技术与生产承袭德国经验给予本地客户更优质的产品与服务。
Founded in 2008 by SVQ group of Germany and SCH group, located in Kunshan and equipped with a series of excellent equipment. SVQ China is a professional supplier of hydraulic clamping fixture. In addition, SVQ China inherits German experience in technology and production to provide better products to local customers with excellent service.