WTE 是专业高精度刀柄制造商,他们制造设备先进精良,员工经验丰富向客户提供世界一流水平的:液 压刀柄、HPH 高效型液压刀柄、热装刀柄、MICRO 微型通用刀柄、 NC 标准夹头等,以协助客户降低成本、延长刀具寿命、提高生产效率、做好各种管理和技术服务,是模具、航空航天、汽车等企业称职的好伙伴 。
WTE is a technology-oriented operation that develops and produces innovations for the field of clamping technology in their Design and Development Department. Core competence are in the precision chuck technology, in the hydraulic expansion field and in shrink technology. WTE has reached the top market position in Europe in the field of precision chucks. More products in high-precision clamping technology will follow.