1988年进入中国市场尚亚以稳健踏实的脚步前行先后与TCM、MAPAL 、 SVQ 、OTT-Jakob等国际品牌合作将刀具管理理念、先进刀具设计与制造以及结合了高精度夹具为客户提供最完善的整体服务。尚亚稳扎稳打,深耕客户为事业永续经营扎下良好的根基并与客户共创双赢。
SCH entered the China market in 1988 and by our steady-going growth and development we started to cooperate with many well-know international brands such as TCM, MAPAL, SVQ, OTT-Jakob and etc. to provide customers with overall machining service which including advanced cutting tools and applications, tool management concept, and high precision clamping fixture. SCH is a firm and stable company which only focus on establishing strong bond relationship and growing together with our customers in order to creating win-win situation.

Jack Wu, GM

These are our core values which be setup by SCH’s founder S. C. Hsu. By these core valves, we hope to create our marketing position and achieve the idea of sustainably operating.
集团组织架构图 (机械事业部)

服务版图包含机汽车, 航空航天, 医疗, 发电, 机床, 铁道, 石化石油, 工程机械, 电子, 船舶, 化工, 3C, 机加工, 机械重工业, 食品等市场
– Automobile
– Machine tool builder
– General machining
– Die & Mold
– Heavy industry
– Construction machinery
– Power generation
– Medical
– Aerospace
– Ship
– Railway
– Food
– Oil & Gas
– Electronics

SCH established
Cutting tools & machinery division setup / Hung-Chih established
Brilliant Group International established
TCM China established (JV company)
MAPAL China established (JV company)
SVQ China established (JV company)
OTT-Jakob China established (JV company)
Always stand still. Welcome the first century.